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UPDATE 2/10/18
Small patch to fix names not populating...
1 file
UPDATE 2/9/18
Fixed issues with Bullets Rounds changed to 5 mins Loot spawns more...
1 file
UPDATE 2/16/18 #2
Changed Loot Collected...
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UPDATE 2/16/18 DeathCam/LeaderBoard Update
Added Leader Board Added Death Cam Unity online should work without kicking people off Few small fixes...
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UPDATE 1/29/18
More tweaking of the Flag Drops Tweaking Playing Movements for smoother movements Tweaks done to timer and scoreboard Added a picture of Keyboard/Mouse Layout i...
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UPDATE 1/26/18 The Sound Update
SOUND ADDED! Explosion, shooting, and building can be heard. Bullets optimized. No longer requires server to keep updating the clients hitting other objects. B...
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Update 1/23/18
Lots of changes: Loot now is represented by what loot they give Placed items had a face lift Setup Timer Added Game Timer Added Game will end when the game time...
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Update 1/18/18
Fixed Names not Syncing on clients...
1 file

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